Annual Linking & Learning Event in Cambodia
By: SAM, Linking & Learning Facilitation Team Cambodia
Live & Learn Cambodia (LLC) coordinated the Linking & Learning (L&L) annual event on 8th-9th December 2021 with 14 grantees in the capital of Phnom Penh. The event aimed to build capacity, knowledge sharing, strengthen collaborative engagement, communication and develop a series of learning agendas through a joint work plan. Strengthened and amplified 5 rightsholder groups’ voices and inclusiveness by working together based on the long-term innovative joint work plan and right-based approach.
32 participants from 14 grantees had spaces to learn, consult and share different concepts related to terminologies of LGBTQI+, PwDs, social media advocacy, research of the older peoples’ situation, disabilities inclusive, and the role of social enterprise in social development and inclusion. The participants appreciated the event, and they were active in talking and sharing.
During the 2-day event, many common technical terms, in particular focusing on LGTBQI+, people with disabilities, and inclusiveness, were promoted and shared in order to improve communication and working engagement. Through presentation, Thida Kuy suggested that “Especially term [Pronoun: s/he] or real name, uncle, aunt, brother, sister” was strongly recommended in making communication in order to promote LGBTQI. She/he or uncle, aunt, brother, or sister when we are already sure/clear about their gender identities. It is a good way to ask them what common pronoun should be used when we want to make contact or communicate with them. This is respective and appreciates the approach. “
Yet, Ms. Tevy Chhuern added, “Real name or (S/he) of people with disabilities used for communication and conversation. Please don’t call their disability nature, appearances, or characteristic if to do so, it shows you are trying to spread out discrimination and ignorance in society.”

According to a presentation shared by 5 grantees working on advocacy and human rights by strengthening an informal economic generation, and social protection related to disabilities, LGBTQI, the older people, and social enterprise, in general, relevant regulations still needed to be improved as supportive approaches from government, and poor law enforcement amongst key stakeholders was high concern. Furthermore, public awareness at community levels was not disseminated widely, while the public still has low knowledge and understanding. Click link here
Ms. Samphors Vorn said, “Joint advocacy strategy was a good mechanism that our grantees should critically work together to improve social care and protection”.
Regarding this, Ms. Tevy said, “People with disabilities still face poor social protection and care. They find it hard to access social services like public transportation and health care.” By the way, Mr. Bunret Von added, “Social pensions for the older people needed to be developed and introduced in the social protection floor. The Long-term strategy on the Social protection scheme should be reformed and harmonized based on the current context of Covid19 pandemic. The time keeps moving, and everyone will become old. Therefore, what can we do today for older people and for our future?” Click here to read more
Addressing concerns and issues raised above, 9 joint work plans were proposed by 14 grantees through focal discussion group (FDG), and 3 out of 9 were prioritized and selected to be organized by vote. All grantees will engage in these 3 events.
- International Day of People with Disabilities,
- Campaign (Pension Fund for Older People),
- International Women Day and Campaign on diversity giveaway
These 3 priorities will be led and coordinated by Women with Disabilities Leadership and Advocacy Network (WWD-LAN), Help Age Cambodia (HAC), Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA), Women PeaceMaker (WPM), and SAORI organization. See details of individual grantees, click here: Grantees| (
Other remaining joint plans regarded as a series of regular events will be reviewed, discussed, and conducted. Rotating coordination and facilitation amongst the grantees will be applied in order to promote active engagement, links, learning agenda, responsibilities, and knowledge sharing.