A Malian taste during the Indaba 2019
A Malian taste during the Indaba 2019
Written by: DIA Kadidia Tangara, Communications Officer, Accountability Lab,
Linking and Learning Facilitator, Mali
Between 17 and 23 January 2018, the Linking and Learning meeting as well as the Inclusion Innovation Indaba united representatives from the ten Voice focus countries as well as the Coordination Team in Nairobi, Kenya. Mali was represented by its Voice Coordinator, Ramata Coulibaly, the Linking and Learning facilitator from Accountability Lab, Abdoul Salam Touré, and two members of Voice empowerment grantee, the Association Malienne pour la Protection des Albinos (AMPA), Aminata Traoré and Djouma Djiré.

Conducted in three phases, the first two days January 17-18, 2019 called “Linking and Learning Meeting” brought together all the officers and animators responsible for facilitating the linking and learning within Voice. The meeting was an opportunity to take stock of the activities over the year and also share good practices and harmonise approaches in its implementation. Each participating country namely Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Kenya, Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippines, Tanzania, Uganda and the Netherlands shared their experiences.
The successful exchanges revealed the following points:
- Each country
adapts its approach according to the political, security, social and cultural context; - Implementation of a coordination mechanism among the Voice grantees facilitated by the Linking and Learning Facilitator
The launch of the second edition of Voice Inclusion Innovation Indaba 2019 was

Indaba is also about conference debates, discussion panels on different themes, poems, theatre and finally an open day for the general public . The goal is to build the capacity of programme participants and to enhance linking and learning activities for more social impact.

The start of a new partnership between AMPA and Positive Exposure in Kenya
The Indaba Kenya 2019 was an opportunity for AMPA, an empowerment grantee in Mali to start a friendship and partnership with an association in Kenya. This was indeed the case when they met Positive Exposure, a Kenyan NGO that advocates for the rights of people with albinism in Kenya. Following very fruitful exchanges, Positive Exposure announced its willingness to provide support and expertise to AMPA in Mali at the organisational level. It is also willing to give AMPA direction to integrate the regional groups of people with albinism.
The meeting finished with Positive Exposure handing over 726 sun protection creams to AMPA meant for people with albinism in Mali!