Sharing Voice stories & experiences: a toolkit from Uganda!
Developed by the Linking and Learning facilitators LASPNET and Strategic Link, Voice in Uganda
Voice is committed to amplify and connect thus far unheard voices in efforts to leave no one behind. But how do you actually do that when you are a small organisation of rightsholders? How do you tell an impactful story or voice of change, a good policy brief or put together a newsletter?
Some poignant questions and LASPNET and Strategic Link have developed a toolkit to provide the answers!
The documentation toolkit is designed to act as a reference point for grantees (and any other interested party) to develop various communications including stories, articles and newsletters, presentations, policy and research briefs.
And Uganda Reach the Aged Association has already made extensive use of it. In their own words:
As a VOICE Innovate and Learn grantee, I literary utilised the Documentation toolkit in preparing for our close-out event. It came in handy in preparing the materials I needed and afterwards I even did an event story. This toolkit has been embraced by other projects in our organisation and it is going to help us improve the entire organisation culture regarding what and how we document.
Whereas the toolkit is meant to guide grantees documentation efforts, users should be free to innovate and propose new approaches in line with emerging context and technology. This is a live toolkit so please provide feedback as you go along.
This is a documentation era where we either document or perish! In this era we need to have a resource to turn to in order to capture and share appropriately. The toolkit is very handy in showing the how. It is user-friendly and easy to follow even for practitioners operating in resource limited settings
Christine Namatovu, Project Manager Voice at Oxfam in Uganda
Click on the image below to access and download the documentation toolkit