COMING TO VOICE – Annual Report 2018
It is here!
Our second Annual Report highlights the journey and achievements over 2018, with a strong focus on finding or coming to voice relating to empowerment processes and grantees within Voice. Overall, 2018 was a year of diversifying and deepening: We diversified the grant portfolio, accelerating on all grant types. We also promoted more diversity as part of an intersectional approach within and among the rightsholders as well as the issues Voice wants to support. It literally was a year where grantees came to Voice. We deepened our focus: from grant selection in 2017 to grantee support, monitoring, and management. We encouraged groups to deepen their understanding of each other, showing that what unites us is bigger than what divides us. It was a year where grantees came to and found their voice.
Please note the presence of even more faces on our cover page and website since we started in 2016. The faces of the people Voice works with continue to replace the faceless images on the Voice banner and website. This is a symbol of the journey they and Voice started in 2016: from a place where they had no or little voice to a space where they came to voice.
For ease of viewing, we have uploaded two versions of the report:
1. Voice annual report 2018 – A4 web
This version is a digital one and ideal for online viewing.
2. Voice annual report 2018 – A4 web_print
This version is presented in singular pages and is ideal for printing for those who like a hard copy.
Enjoy the read and we hope you come to your voice and Voice too!