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Imagine Me or You

A poem By Elvis Herbert Ayesiga

Imagine me or you is one of the poems from theInvisible Scars – Focus on the mental health of queer people in Uganda’ publication that was done by Elvis Ayesiga of Icebreakers Uganda, supported by Voice in 2019.

Elvis during the Invisible Scars Launch


knowing at a young age that you are different


that you see your difference contrasted everyday in the relationships you grow up around


that your peers hurl insults at you, defining how you are different


that the social and cultural institutions inform you that your difference is not acceptable


that you long to be with others who are also different, but don’t have a way to connect with them


knowing that coming out to your health provider will cause you more issues


you don’t know where you can get the mental health services you need


your partner beats you or hurts you; and after that, he or she says they love you

Imagine your child

he or she is going through mental health issues because of his/her sexuality or discrimination within the society

For many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, this has been the reality of their childhood and their development into adulthood. The lasting effects of experiences with such prejudice and discrimination are profound.

Click here for the full publication with more poems and stories.

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