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  • Organisation

    PROCESS Inc. was founded in 1983 as a national NGO as a result ofthe program of the international Labor organisation (ILO) called “sarilakas” sariling lakas “own strength”. The Sarilakas program provided paralegal and trainings and capability building activitiesto marginalised farmers, sugar cane migrant workers, women and fisherfolk in Antique and was registered with SEC. in 1997, PROCESS filed office decided to be autonomous from the national NGO, and was registered with SEC in February 19,1997. PROCESS is legal resource NGOs and member of the national network of NGOs, the Alternative Law groups, empowering / training / organising IPs, farmers,fisherfolk, women and youth. PROCESS adopted a rights based approach to development and maintain critical partnership with LGUs and NGAs. we are operating in the 5 provinces of Panay Island and if this project will become successful, the same experience could be replicated in the remaining IP communities of Antique. Iloilo, Aklan and Capiz with similar situation and advocacy.

    Development work covers the 5 provinces of Panay Island, namely,Antique, Iloilo, Aklan. Guimaras and Capiz

    “PROCESS Panay is a sustainable organization working towards transformed and empowered communities living in a just, peaceful, God-loving society in an ecologically sound environment

    To transform and empower the deprived sectors in Region VI to increasingly take control of their own destinies towards improved quality of life through community organizing” Core Values (GO! PROCESS) • Good governance • Organizing • Participation • Respect• Openness • Competence • Empowerment • Service • Sustainability Among its major program thrusts are: 1. To increase fisher folks and farmers organisations critical awareness on socio-political, economic and cultural situations. 2. To advocate for pro-people and development-oriented values. 3. To form viable, strong, and self-reliant grassroots organizations. 4. To foster the rural poor political and economic control of productive resources. 5. To facilitate the active participation of peoples’ organization in the protection, conservation, and rehabilitation of ecological resources. 6. To deliver services that would fulfill the basic needs of grassroots organizations 7. To facilitate and lobby for the enactment of local and national legislation that serves the interest of the rural poor. 8. To promote women’s participation in economic, political and social affairs. 9. To develop PROCESS’effectiveness.Key Result Areas (KRAs) 1. Building viable, strong, self-reliant, and disaster-resilient communities / POs 2. Linking and Networking 3. Resource mobilization 4. Organizational governance 5.Viable and sustainable community enterprise 6. Human Rights promotion and Protection

    • Organisation

      PROCESS Inc. was founded in 1983 as a national NGO as a result ofthe program of the international Labor organisation (ILO) called “sarilakas” sariling lakas “own strength”. The Sarilakas program provided paralegal and trainings and capability building activitiesto marginalised farmers, sugar cane migrant workers, women and fisherfolk in Antique and was registered with SEC. in 1997, PROCESS filed office decided to be autonomous from the national NGO, and was registered with SEC in February 19,1997. PROCESS is legal resource NGOs and member of the national network of NGOs, the Alternative Law groups, empowering / training / organising IPs, farmers,fisherfolk, women and youth. PROCESS adopted a rights based approach to development and maintain critical partnership with LGUs and NGAs. we are operating in the 5 provinces of Panay Island and if this project will become successful, the same experience could be replicated in the remaining IP communities of Antique. Iloilo, Aklan and Capiz with similar situation and advocacy.

      Development work covers the 5 provinces of Panay Island, namely,Antique, Iloilo, Aklan. Guimaras and Capiz

      “PROCESS Panay is a sustainable organization working towards transformed and empowered communities living in a just, peaceful, God-loving society in an ecologically sound environment

      To transform and empower the deprived sectors in Region VI to increasingly take control of their own destinies towards improved quality of life through community organizing” Core Values (GO! PROCESS) • Good governance • Organizing • Participation • Respect• Openness • Competence • Empowerment • Service • Sustainability Among its major program thrusts are: 1. To increase fisher folks and farmers organisations critical awareness on socio-political, economic and cultural situations. 2. To advocate for pro-people and development-oriented values. 3. To form viable, strong, and self-reliant grassroots organizations. 4. To foster the rural poor political and economic control of productive resources. 5. To facilitate the active participation of peoples’ organization in the protection, conservation, and rehabilitation of ecological resources. 6. To deliver services that would fulfill the basic needs of grassroots organizations 7. To facilitate and lobby for the enactment of local and national legislation that serves the interest of the rural poor. 8. To promote women’s participation in economic, political and social affairs. 9. To develop PROCESS’effectiveness.Key Result Areas (KRAs) 1. Building viable, strong, self-reliant, and disaster-resilient communities / POs 2. Linking and Networking 3. Resource mobilization 4. Organizational governance 5.Viable and sustainable community enterprise 6. Human Rights promotion and Protection

    • Project

      “Taking Back What is Ours (TBWO)” Project

      The project shall train / assist IP communities/leaders to engage with the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) towards thedelineation and recognition of their ancestral land covering an area of70 hectares more or less in three barangays of the municipality ofHamtic, province of Antique, Region 6, the Philippines with 136households and 542 individuals. The IP areas had long been inhabited by AETA “ATi”tribe as per testimonies by the elders as recognisedbyNCIP provincial office. Because the area is not declared as ancestral land and are not titled, many non-IPs positioned and claimed the areas. Because of the fear and the lack of documents (title) that will prove that the IPs are the rightful owners, many of them went to other barangays and squat in private lands owned by the lowlander. They left their upland farms and the crops that they planted. With the passing of NCIP Administrative Order No. 01. Series of 2020, the IPleaders / elders started to seek support from NGOs and NCIPprovincial office for the delineation and recognition of the ancestral lands towards the issuance of Certificate of Land Title (CALT) as per the Indigenous people’s Rights Act of the Philippines. Delineation and recognition is the first and important step towards the processing and issuance of CALT. Various processes shall be conducted and documentations prepared to comply with the requirements of NCIPAO 01 series of 2020. IP leaders shall be provided with input/training for them to be able to prepare all the required documents. On site community consultations shall be conducted to come up with a consensus on various processes that will be conducted and develop commitment and ownership among IP communities. NCIP AO 01series of 2020 provides that an external agency “the assistor” could provide technical support to IP leaders to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the process outputs and results. All documentation shall be used as attachments to the application that will be filled atNCIP provincial office at the last quarter of the project. PROCESSFoundation Panay shall actas an assistor to IP leaders. PRROCESSshall also facilitates training/sessions that will help develop the capability of IP leaders relative to delineation and recognition and provide assistance towards compliance of IP communities to government regulations relative to COVID 19 pandemic. At the end of the project, an action plan shall be prepared to guide the IP leaders in following up the status of the application and to sustain efforts towards the delineation and recognition of the Ancestral land.

  • Project

    “Taking Back What is Ours (TBWO)” Project

    The project shall train / assist IP communities/leaders to engage with the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) towards thedelineation and recognition of their ancestral land covering an area of70 hectares more or less in three barangays of the municipality ofHamtic, province of Antique, Region 6, the Philippines with 136households and 542 individuals. The IP areas had long been inhabited by AETA “ATi”tribe as per testimonies by the elders as recognisedbyNCIP provincial office. Because the area is not declared as ancestral land and are not titled, many non-IPs positioned and claimed the areas. Because of the fear and the lack of documents (title) that will prove that the IPs are the rightful owners, many of them went to other barangays and squat in private lands owned by the lowlander. They left their upland farms and the crops that they planted. With the passing of NCIP Administrative Order No. 01. Series of 2020, the IPleaders / elders started to seek support from NGOs and NCIPprovincial office for the delineation and recognition of the ancestral lands towards the issuance of Certificate of Land Title (CALT) as per the Indigenous people’s Rights Act of the Philippines. Delineation and recognition is the first and important step towards the processing and issuance of CALT. Various processes shall be conducted and documentations prepared to comply with the requirements of NCIPAO 01 series of 2020. IP leaders shall be provided with input/training for them to be able to prepare all the required documents. On site community consultations shall be conducted to come up with a consensus on various processes that will be conducted and develop commitment and ownership among IP communities. NCIP AO 01series of 2020 provides that an external agency “the assistor” could provide technical support to IP leaders to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the process outputs and results. All documentation shall be used as attachments to the application that will be filled atNCIP provincial office at the last quarter of the project. PROCESSFoundation Panay shall actas an assistor to IP leaders. PRROCESSshall also facilitates training/sessions that will help develop the capability of IP leaders relative to delineation and recognition and provide assistance towards compliance of IP communities to government regulations relative to COVID 19 pandemic. At the end of the project, an action plan shall be prepared to guide the IP leaders in following up the status of the application and to sustain efforts towards the delineation and recognition of the Ancestral land.

  • Project journey

    Building Confidence, Reclaiming Our Ancestral Land

    For generations, 370 Indigenous Peoples (181 men and 181 women) in the upland barangays of Hamtic, Antique, have lived on their ancestral land. Through intensive training and legal capacity-building, they have strengthened their confidence and secured their tenurial rights, culminating in the awarding of their Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT).

    This journey was more than a legal process—it was a reclamation of identity and dignity. By increasing awareness, fostering collective action, and engaging duty-bearers, these communities have ensured that long-overdue rights and services are finally being delivered. Their land is their life, and now, it is rightfully theirs.


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