Voice.Global website

  • Organisation

    TMSCF’s goal is to help prevent teenage pregnancies and where it has occurred reduce on the negative effects by ensuring that teenage girls, and young mothers are respected, cared for, empowered to live healthy and dignified lives that build their future and that of their children.

    • Organisation

      TMSCF’s goal is to help prevent teenage pregnancies and where it has occurred reduce on the negative effects by ensuring that teenage girls, and young mothers are respected, cared for, empowered to live healthy and dignified lives that build their future and that of their children.

    • Project

      The project Solidarity with teenage mothers (SWEET) seeks to ensure that a community led model, facilitated by TMCSF, her partners and all community stakeholders create an environment to empower the survivors in skilling and livelihood opportunities, offer social support services. . This is premised on the circumstances through which these girls are victimized, defiled and their rights violated.

  • Project

    The project Solidarity with teenage mothers (SWEET) seeks to ensure that a community led model, facilitated by TMCSF, her partners and all community stakeholders create an environment to empower the survivors in skilling and livelihood opportunities, offer social support services. . This is premised on the circumstances through which these girls are victimized, defiled and their rights violated.


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