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  • Organisation

    OPKC is a Kui indigenous NGO established with initiative of a Kui network in northern Cambodia in 2003 and officially registered with the Ministry of Interior in 2006. OPKC works with Kui indigenous people, who are the indigenous group with the greatest population of indigenous people in Cambodia. OPKC’s work focusing on community development in Preah Vihear province and working with Kui community network such as Kratie, Stung Treng, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Kompong Thom, and Oddar Meanchey with activities focus on rights, environment, socio-economic, advocacy, traditional knowledge, and community with the following program including

    1). Network and advocacy,

    2). Community organizing,

    3). Natural resource and biodiversity,

    4). Women and community empowerment,

    5). Livelihood and traditional knowledge.
    Organizational vision: Indigenous Communities are strong solidarity and have the right to self-determination for sustainable development and conservation.

    Mission: Organize communities and develop systems of indigenous Kui communities to create Kui ethnic pride, protect community interests and be self-sufficient.
    Goal: Indigenous Kui men, women, elders, youths, and children have solidarity and participate in land and natural resources management, conservation of identity and culture, and socio/economic development.

    Core value
    – Solidarity and respect for human rights
    – Promote the knowledge and culture of the Kui indigenous people
    – Common interests of the community
    – Initiatives and teamwork
    – Focus on indigenous peoples and the vulnerable

    • Organisation

      OPKC is a Kui indigenous NGO established with initiative of a Kui network in northern Cambodia in 2003 and officially registered with the Ministry of Interior in 2006. OPKC works with Kui indigenous people, who are the indigenous group with the greatest population of indigenous people in Cambodia. OPKC’s work focusing on community development in Preah Vihear province and working with Kui community network such as Kratie, Stung Treng, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Kompong Thom, and Oddar Meanchey with activities focus on rights, environment, socio-economic, advocacy, traditional knowledge, and community with the following program including

      1). Network and advocacy,

      2). Community organizing,

      3). Natural resource and biodiversity,

      4). Women and community empowerment,

      5). Livelihood and traditional knowledge.
      Organizational vision: Indigenous Communities are strong solidarity and have the right to self-determination for sustainable development and conservation.

      Mission: Organize communities and develop systems of indigenous Kui communities to create Kui ethnic pride, protect community interests and be self-sufficient.
      Goal: Indigenous Kui men, women, elders, youths, and children have solidarity and participate in land and natural resources management, conservation of identity and culture, and socio/economic development.

      Core value
      – Solidarity and respect for human rights
      – Promote the knowledge and culture of the Kui indigenous people
      – Common interests of the community
      – Initiatives and teamwork
      – Focus on indigenous peoples and the vulnerable

    • Project

      This project aims to conserve and promote Kui indigenous language through multi-language application dictionary and young Kui indigenous community empowerment. This project intend to improve and promote Kui alphabet with development of multi-language online application dictionary by create new and existing word in order to preserve their language that is facing to loss. The multi-language dictionary and alphabet is promoted more broadly on social media with video production, art and music to promote thelanguage and how to use the multi-language application. This project is also expected to strengthening Kui community empowerment through advocacy networking. The Advocacy Think Tank Group (ATTG) are formed in 9 target provinces where most Kui community are inhabiting. These groups are meeting regularly via online to discuss and build confidence among the community using various stage of community organizing approaches. An exchange visit is planned to allow each community able to link, strengthening theirnetworking and learn from each other on how to address issues or binding their common interest. Community mapping and capacity strengthening are planned which including coaching and mentoring of each community for a stronger solidary among Kui communities which will be emphasized during indigenous festival, Human Rights Day and Indigenous People Days event. Moreover, this project is expected to promote Kui multi-language alphabet through developing an application dictionary. An Education Think Tank Group for multi-language will be established to develop new and existing word and alphabet from Kui, Khmer and English. All new created word will be entered to web browser and import from web browser into the application dictionary for public user.

      This 18 months is planned to implement in 9 target provinces including Preah Vihear, Kampong Thom, Kratie, Stengtraeng, Udor Meanchey, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Battambong, Tbong Khmom.

  • Project

    This project aims to conserve and promote Kui indigenous language through multi-language application dictionary and young Kui indigenous community empowerment. This project intend to improve and promote Kui alphabet with development of multi-language online application dictionary by create new and existing word in order to preserve their language that is facing to loss. The multi-language dictionary and alphabet is promoted more broadly on social media with video production, art and music to promote thelanguage and how to use the multi-language application. This project is also expected to strengthening Kui community empowerment through advocacy networking. The Advocacy Think Tank Group (ATTG) are formed in 9 target provinces where most Kui community are inhabiting. These groups are meeting regularly via online to discuss and build confidence among the community using various stage of community organizing approaches. An exchange visit is planned to allow each community able to link, strengthening theirnetworking and learn from each other on how to address issues or binding their common interest. Community mapping and capacity strengthening are planned which including coaching and mentoring of each community for a stronger solidary among Kui communities which will be emphasized during indigenous festival, Human Rights Day and Indigenous People Days event. Moreover, this project is expected to promote Kui multi-language alphabet through developing an application dictionary. An Education Think Tank Group for multi-language will be established to develop new and existing word and alphabet from Kui, Khmer and English. All new created word will be entered to web browser and import from web browser into the application dictionary for public user.

    This 18 months is planned to implement in 9 target provinces including Preah Vihear, Kampong Thom, Kratie, Stengtraeng, Udor Meanchey, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Battambong, Tbong Khmom.

  • News


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