I Am JobABLE Project
Amount Funded
15,000 EUROProject Duration
01 Aug 2023 - 30 Jun 2024 -
Lead organisation
Riziki Source is a social enterprise that facilitates connection to employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in Kenya through the use of technology and training of job seekers with disabilities in soft skills and employers on matters around disability inclusion. We have been active for the last three years though we were founded in 2015.
Riziki Source is a social enterprise that facilitates connection to employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in Kenya through the use of technology and training of job seekers with disabilities in soft skills and employers on matters around disability inclusion. We have been active for the last three years though we were founded in 2015.
Riziki Source is a social enterprise enabling access to job opportunities for persons with disabilities in Kenya. We facilitate workplace diversity, self-employment, disability inclusion and linkage to over Six Million people with disabilities in Kenya who have particular skill sets, currently untapped for recruitment as a value proposition for companies, organizations and government formations. Riziki Source offers disability mainstreaming trainings and awareness creation for companies and organizations while supporting them throughout the process of recruiting a person with a disability.
Riziki Source is a social enterprise enabling access to job opportunities for persons with disabilities in Kenya. We facilitate workplace diversity, self-employment, disability inclusion and linkage to over Six Million people with disabilities in Kenya who have particular skill sets, currently untapped for recruitment as a value proposition for companies, organizations and government formations. Riziki Source offers disability mainstreaming trainings and awareness creation for companies and organizations while supporting them throughout the process of recruiting a person with a disability.