Enhance Inclusive Employment
Amount Funded
18,312 EUROProject Duration
01 Apr 2022 - 30 Sep 2023 -
Lead organisation
Essential Personnel Cambodia Non-Governmental Organization
EPC is a Non-Government Organization based in Phnom Penh that is dedicated to empowering young Cambodians with disabilities through education and vocational training, leading to employment and independence.
EPC#s goal is to ensure that young people with disabilities access education, vocational skills development and employment to ensure their economic self-sufficiency, independent living and full community participation. Develop EPC#s long term stainability and financial independence by establishing social enterprise projects. All of EPC#s projects are intended to facilitate or provide formal and informal education programmes and lifelong learning that will assist children and young persons with disabilities to achieve self-sustaining employment.
The organization’s vision is an inclusive community where children and youth with disabilities gain access to education, vocational training and employment in order to achieve their full potential and live with a sense of dignity and self-worth in the community. Mission of the organization is to assist and support young people with disabilities to gain access to education including tertiary level or access vocational skills training, leading to an income through employment or self-employment.
EPC#s primary beneficiaries are children and young people with disabilities throughout Cambodia. Their beneficiaries are a) aged between 10 and 17, eligible for support to attend government schools; and b) young persons aged between 18 and 35 eligible for tertiary education, vocational training and employment. EPC also supports these young peoples# families by providing livelihood support.
EPC is a Non-Government Organization based in Phnom Penh that is dedicated to empowering young Cambodians with disabilities through education and vocational training, leading to employment and independence.
EPC#s goal is to ensure that young people with disabilities access education, vocational skills development and employment to ensure their economic self-sufficiency, independent living and full community participation. Develop EPC#s long term stainability and financial independence by establishing social enterprise projects. All of EPC#s projects are intended to facilitate or provide formal and informal education programmes and lifelong learning that will assist children and young persons with disabilities to achieve self-sustaining employment.
The organization’s vision is an inclusive community where children and youth with disabilities gain access to education, vocational training and employment in order to achieve their full potential and live with a sense of dignity and self-worth in the community. Mission of the organization is to assist and support young people with disabilities to gain access to education including tertiary level or access vocational skills training, leading to an income through employment or self-employment.
EPC#s primary beneficiaries are children and young people with disabilities throughout Cambodia. Their beneficiaries are a) aged between 10 and 17, eligible for support to attend government schools; and b) young persons aged between 18 and 35 eligible for tertiary education, vocational training and employment. EPC also supports these young peoples# families by providing livelihood support.
This new project aims to enhance and empower young people with disabilities to be self- independence and empowerment through skills capacity strengthening and individual career planning by potential empowerment agent. The first 19 potential empowerment agent (PEA) who are people with disabilities are selected to learn and develop their capacity to be self-independent which include personal development and empowerment, job coaching and individual career planning. They are become training of trainer and continue to empower their fellow young people with disability (247 ps) on skills development to gain employment opportunity in their community with close collaboration support from relevant stakeholders and local authority as mentioned in the MoU. These 19 PEA will work in collaborations with disabled people organizations (DPOs), Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSVY) including Provincial Disability Action Council, Provincial Departments of Social Affairs, Provincial TVETs and particularly with District Governor Administrators at community level within each district in targeted provinces to empower other young people with disabilities. This 18 months project is targeted in 2 different provinces of Kampong Cham and Siem Reap.
Project goal: To scale up and continue empower young people with disabilities to be self- independence and empowerment through skills capacity strengthening and individual career planning by potential empowerment agent.
There are 4 specific objectives/expected results of this project with numbers of certain activities as the solutions to be taken in order to achieve the objective that is set.
Expected result 1: Promote good collaboration with clear role to improve disability employment for young people with disabilities through provincial employment network.
Expected result 2: Form and strengthening capacity of 19 potential empowerment agent (PEA) to be the training of trainer and empower other youth with disabilities (247ps) on personal grow development and individual career planning.
Expected result 3: One provincial employment network meeting to share good practices, socializing and networking is conducted and amplify.
Expected result 4: Organizational capacity and staff capacity building are reviewed and strengthened.
This new project aims to enhance and empower young people with disabilities to be self- independence and empowerment through skills capacity strengthening and individual career planning by potential empowerment agent. The first 19 potential empowerment agent (PEA) who are people with disabilities are selected to learn and develop their capacity to be self-independent which include personal development and empowerment, job coaching and individual career planning. They are become training of trainer and continue to empower their fellow young people with disability (247 ps) on skills development to gain employment opportunity in their community with close collaboration support from relevant stakeholders and local authority as mentioned in the MoU. These 19 PEA will work in collaborations with disabled people organizations (DPOs), Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSVY) including Provincial Disability Action Council, Provincial Departments of Social Affairs, Provincial TVETs and particularly with District Governor Administrators at community level within each district in targeted provinces to empower other young people with disabilities. This 18 months project is targeted in 2 different provinces of Kampong Cham and Siem Reap.
Project goal: To scale up and continue empower young people with disabilities to be self- independence and empowerment through skills capacity strengthening and individual career planning by potential empowerment agent.
There are 4 specific objectives/expected results of this project with numbers of certain activities as the solutions to be taken in order to achieve the objective that is set.
Expected result 1: Promote good collaboration with clear role to improve disability employment for young people with disabilities through provincial employment network.
Expected result 2: Form and strengthening capacity of 19 potential empowerment agent (PEA) to be the training of trainer and empower other youth with disabilities (247ps) on personal grow development and individual career planning.
Expected result 3: One provincial employment network meeting to share good practices, socializing and networking is conducted and amplify.
Expected result 4: Organizational capacity and staff capacity building are reviewed and strengthened.