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Young Farmers don’t quit!

Written by Aprilia Ambarwati, Project Manager, AKATIGA

AKATIGA, an Innovate and Learn grantee in Indonesia works with two young farmer communities; the 1000Kebun in Bandung and Karang Taruna Mandala Cipta in Kulon Progo Regency to develop the “Let’s be Young Farmers” programme. These two community groups assist rural youths in Cicantayan and Sukabumi villages who want to farm but do not have access to knowledge and learning opportunities on farming models that suit young people. 

The project recently released a video to show the challenges and successes thus far. The main method used is participatory action research (PAR). AKATIGA facilitates the transfer process, exchange of knowledge, and skills among the four groups. They also document, evaluate and disseminate tthe project’s implementation. In AKATIGA’s own words: We hope that the series of activities in this programme can also benefit more young groups in Indonesia. 


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